Post are going to be slow for the next couple of days since I'm traveling for work. I've come to love fiction stories that take place is distant lands especially if it's about redepmtion or following your dreams! I'm all over it. While in the airport gearing up for my 4 hour flight to Portland, I picked up a book to read. I'd heard this book mentioned on book lists a couple of times but never really paid much attention to it mainly because I could barely pronounce the title. The Alchemist is a compelling story about flowing your heart, realizing your dreams, and recognizing your Personal Legend. It's chock full of great quotes that I will be shamelessly stealing and posting for you all to enjoy. I'm only half way through it and it is already on the top of my 'must read' list. First up in the series of great Alchemist quotes:

"...there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth....and when you want something all the universe conspires to help you achieve it."

There is no way I could continue this blog about finding your passion and not recommend this book. For you readers out there, let me know of any other great 'follow your dreams' reads.


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