I apologize for the ultra slow post between Sex in the City festivities and my family coming to visit, I've been on cloud nine. In honor of our favorite girls from New York a few ladies and I came together to watch the first movie then flowed up with a spa day, lunch, happy hour drinks and, of course, Sex in the City 2. However my parents came in town before I made it to the movies with them. So I've yet to see it...

As I'm decompressing from all the weekend's joy I would like to extend a special thank you to all the men and women that have put their lives on the line for our country. While I can't say much about this eight year war, I can say thank you for your efforts. May God bless you and your families. For those that have loved ones that didn't make it back from war alive, America is undoubtedly thankful that they sacrificed their life for us.

May God bless them too.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!


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