I’ve noticed a lot of women are struggling with keeping hair breakage at bay. I cannot stress enough the importance of pumping your hair full of moisture. When hair is moisturized it has a great elasticity and has a greater ability to stretch. Ever wonder what that popping sound is when you are combing your hair? It’s your hair snapping or breaking and it’s not withstanding the strokes of the comb.

Women with ethnic hair, meaning hair that is wavy to kinky in texture and naturally dry, can generally combat breakage if they are able to grasp the moisture/protein balance. I recently ran across a great article that really breaks down when and why you need a moisturizing conditioner and when your hair needs protein (often called re-constructors). The author includes great scenarios to help illustrate what you should look for when assessing your hair. If you've ever had a question about conditioning hair I highly recommend you click on the link below.

Learn more about hair conditioning regimens.


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