I'm taking a team building training class this week and one thing I've come to realize (without the help of Myers-Briggs) is that I'm a rather mildly introverted person. In group settings, I'm much more comfortable being an observer and giving input when necessary. I'm more inclined to take time to process information given to me rather than just jumping right into things. Over the years of working in corporate America I've had the chance of running into an array of different personality types ranging in the spectrum of severely introverted to overly extroverted. The later is typically the people I have trouble dealing with.

There is not much I dread more than having to work on a team with someone who doesn't take time to process what the task are but would rather think aloud and demands the attention of everyone around them. Their conversation often centers around themselves and their experiences. This type of person tends require a lot of energy that I'm just not too interested in giving someone I don't know. So what are some tips on how to cope?


2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Hey in this life we have to work with all types of personalities. It is not easy but it can be done. I believe tolerance is key. If you don't have it, build it. Life is much easier once we understand and accept that each of us are unique. In terms of coping, take doses at a time. If you find yourself getting more and more irriated by someones presence, immediatly remove yourself! Don't say anything, just go. If you have to keep working with this person, eventually you will get used to em. Just dont try to change them, because they won't change, you will end up bumping heads and hating each other... or liking, who knows?!

  2. Unknown says:

    That team stuff sucks!! Some people are just toxic. There is no band-aid. They are simply ab-so-lutely horrible! For those, I don't pretend to be happy around them, I say what I have to say and move on. I don't engage them in ANYWAY! I also don't take it personally. I remove Fatima (the person) from the situation and just do my work when I am around them and move away ASAP. Jessica is spot on. Tolerate, don't try to change them, don't try to make friends and move on. They are the ones slowly dying inside-- not you. Make sure to keep it that way!

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