Oh how I long for thee... I've been wanting a new pair of shades but refuse to shell out any major money on some ever since I lost my last pair of Oliver Peoples in Church. Or maybe is was at the soul food spot we went to afterwards. Whatever the case they definitely never made their way to the lost and found box. If you have a little fat face, as I was once told, Oliver Peoples has a great selection of women's sunglasses for you. I copped my last pair at OFF Sacks Fifth Ave.


While I'll be headed over to Marshall's for my next pair of shades, I'll be dreaming of these.... I really need to learn how to keep up with my stuff!

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This past Tuesday I decided it was time for me to debut my natural hair to the world. I twisted it the night before so I could wear it big and curly, like a curly 'fro. Didn't receive much feedback from my co-workers but people on the street loved it. To my surprise, I liked it to. I felt like I was wearing a built-in statement piece, like a beautiful necklace or some bad ass shoes. I tend to walk with my head held high regardless of how I'm looking or I'm feeling. So I know since I was feeling good about how I looked, I was exuding all kinds of confidence in my walk! HA! So two days later, I LOVE my new accessory.


There is no way I could not take a looksie at Tracee Ellis Ross and celebrate this girl with curls! Joan Clayton we miss you!!! I love waking up and watching the reruns of Girlfriends on Sunday mornings. Both Tracee and her character, Joan, have an unrelenting sense of style that I myself have taken inspiration from. Big Curls, hoop earrings and a clutch... loves it!

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Let's Talk About IT!

at 10:29 AM Posted by Laverne Labels:

It’s amazing how topics just come to you… I was talking to two girlfriends, who are both fairly newlyweds, this week about marriage and the subject of intimacy (actually, the lack of) came up. One dated her now husband for some time before they tied the knot but decided to wait until they were married to be completely intimate. The other didn’t date her husband long before they were married but had her share of fun before he came along. In both cases, these women are now struggling to be intimate with their husbands and it’s really taking a toll on their new unions. Everywhere you read or hear, the time to have your fun as a couple is before the kids come. But what happens when the two of you just can’t get it together? My suggestions to them were:

1. Pray- yes, get on your knees and pray about your intimacy issues. God’s heard it all so don’t be ashamed. He is allowing you to go through this so you will know to turn to Him is ALL matters of the heart. Besides, how are you going to produce children that grow up under His name if you can’t do what it takes?? Isn’t that one of the purposes of marriage?

2. Somebody has to step out of their comfort zone, or their routine. Most likely that somebody is you ladies! Take the bonnet cap off your head and fuzzy sleep socks off your feet for once.

3. Make it a commitment. Just like you commit to not cursing at each other, to fight fair, to consult each other before major purchases, or to never demean the other in public or private you can make intimacy commitments.

4. Don’t think for a second he has gotten used to not being intimate. You are just fooling yourself. Just like we need love, they need love. Ours is based on emotion, and theirs on physical connectivity.

Now EVERY marriage has its pitfalls and by no means is anyone’s perfect. Just when you think it’s perfect the Devil will find a way to throw a wrench in it. But hey, that’s why it’s fun. Because it’s always a challenge...


Ok, I’ve done it! I’ve joined the growing ranks of African American women letting go of their chemical straighteners. Although my decision was based on the quest for a healthier scalp, I’ve really enjoyed the learning process I have undergone about what I was putting my hair through to keep it long and flowing. Not going to lie, I miss my long thick hair that seemed to grow and grow but I do not miss the painfully itchy dry scalp I experienced as the result. I would literally get sores of dry patches that begged for oils but using them would completely weigh my hair down.

Well fast forward to a year later and here I am all chopped off. As for my husband, he absolutely loves it! He’d much rather see my natural hair rather than the dry patches I would have along my hair line. He has been extremely encouraging through the whole process. I tried weave as one of my transition styles and he even helped me cut my weave out after only three days of itchy torture. Got to love that!

As for me…I’m still coming to terms with it. It’s just soooo short. I’m used to being the girl with all the hair. I’m not sure if I’m ready to see this much of my neck on a daily basis. LOL! I’ve tried to make the case of “what will my co-workers think” but honestly I’m the one with the inhibitions. You have to understand I used to ask my mom for a perm for Christmas as a child, cause EVERYONE in the ‘90’s had one! So I’ve decided tomorrow, Tuesday, is the day to expose the real me. I wonder how many “oooh, I like your hair” comments will I get? Or will I be running back to the safety of my Lace-Front wig? HA!


I have a hard time finding striped clothes that work with my curves. The easiest way that I can incorporate them into my wardrobe is via cardigan. Here are some I found that will work with a cute cami, some hip-hugging slacks and ballet flats and I'm out the door for work! Accessorize these conservative staples as you please.


I was asked for an inspirational song for a project at work that reflected this decade. I absolutely could not think of one. I'm no music junkie, but what happened to all the positive songs? Not sure about you guys but I'm tired of who's cheating on who, who's breaking up, and who's depressed.

In my lifetime I've only purchased 3 (yes 3!) CD's. One of those is Natasha Bedingfield's Pocket Full of Sunshine. I love this album so much it's been in my car's CD player for over a year. When I'm sick of NPR or hearing same old songs on the radio, she is so refreshing. While the whole CD is great, one of my favs is a track entitled 'Freckles'. It's about self acceptance and loving who you are.

Click on the pic to go to the YouTube Video...

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Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 1:38 PM Posted by Laverne Labels:

Eva Mendez has got to be one of the most beautiful women in the game and in my opinion is often overlooked. While there have been times when she has pushed the fashion envelope, she pretty consistently get is right. She’s a beautiful representation of our Latin sisters. Go Eva, keep killing them softly!

Credit: PA Photos/Landov



at 11:05 AM Posted by Laverne Labels:

I don't know what it is but I have a thing for clogs! Check out these fierce ones from Steve Madden.

Photo: Steve Madden

I can definitely rock these into the summer months. Me likey!


All the Single Ladies!

at 9:06 AM Posted by Laverne

Here we go again! A recent Nightline special entitled Face Off: Single Ladies focuses on the alarming rate of successful African American women who are not married. While it is great the media is discussing Black America it seems like they can’t help but focus on topics that are “thorns” in our side. I understand sex, drama, lies, scandals is what sells but are we sick of these types topic yet? Or, is it something that needs to be discussed?

One Viva Laverne follower, Regina a highly successful 30-something single women living in Washington, D.C., sounded off:

“I’m SICK OF THE SENTIMENT!!!!!! I don’t think we need to keep hearing this over and over and over again. I think it creates desperation and anxiety among those who haven’t taken the plunge. I for one, have accepted that it is what it is. Would I like to find the one…yes, would I like to date men on my level….yes, but I’m not going to lower my standards to do this. But there are so many women who do lower their standards just to say I have a man. I just think it’s sad that you have a bunch of single black women stressing over something they have no control of, I believe in my heart of hearts that if a man is interested in you then he will pursue you. It’s your job only to make yourself available and then let him be the man that he’s supposed to be. If black men aren’t pursuing black women, then we need to accept that they’re just not that in to us!!! So expand your options and include other colors under the rainbow!!!!”

So, what to you think? Are we ready to discuss solutions or just continue to talk about the problems? Or are we done talking about this topic all together?

photo credit: Essence.com

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Happy Earth Day!

at 6:41 AM Posted by Laverne

It’s Earth Day! Forty years since it’s conception the movement is still going strong. While it started as more of an educational event it has evolved to a movement focusing on sustainability and climate change. So in honor of Earth Day I challenge you all to do something good for the globe. There’s a plethora of changes you can make to support planet earth.

Here are just a few simple ways you can participate:

Plant a tree, a plant, vegetables, herbs

Exchange your cleaning products for those that are environmental friendly.

Open your blinds when it’s daylight, don’t be too quick to flip on the lights.

It’s still spring, so open your window and let the breeze cool the house down.

Purchase a reusable shopping bag and USE it!

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I love, love, love this photo taken for O's 10th anniversary magazine back cover. This has got to be one of her best issues yet and definitely her best cover. From the front to back cover it is chalk full of great articles on living your best life. I've been reading it for at least two weeks now and it has inspired me to create a new page here on the blog. The SPOTLIGHT page will feature people living their best life and following their passion. So be on the lookout and think of someone who deserves the spotlight.
(photo taken from oprah.com)

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In celebration of Girls with Curls, check out Corinne Bailey Rae's Paris Nights/New York Mornings.

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Whoever said life is easy as pie obviously was not married. Being in a marriage brings dimensions to your life that you could never have imagined and let’s face it keeping a marriage healthy and can be quite challenging. There are many factors why the divorce rate is at a staggering high and the concept of family is slowly diminishing.

credit: Essence.com

Steven James Dixon for Essence.com spells out 10 Skills for a Successful Marriage that include having confidence in your marriage, developing problem solving, forgiveness, creativity and life skills. It is a refreshing list that reminds us that just as the things around us evolve so should our marriages.




at 6:59 AM Posted by Laverne Labels: ,

Kerry Washington sported this cute and sassy look to the "Mother and Child" Los Angeles Premiere. A bold patterned dress with understated make-up and accessories. Kerry has such a refreshing face and is pure genius in the style department. Not too often does she miss the mark. So let her be an inspiration for getting it right!

Credit: Wire Image


Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Sephora and will gladly spend my whole paycheck in there. Even though my co-workers never will see it. Lately, however, times are tight and I simply can't afford to spend $30 on the latest greatest serum. Besides that, Sephora is a bit of a drive from my house. I'm sure I'm not alone on this, so I've compiled a list of best 'bang for your buck' items that can be found on your local beauty aisle.

Check it:

1. Essie Nail Polish in Mademoiselle
2. Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner
3. Frederic Fekkai Brilliant Glossing Sheer Shine Mist
4. Cover Girl Smoky Shadow Blast Smoke
5. Maybelline Great Lash Mascara - Very Black
6. Denman - D3 - Diamante Red


My co-workers often gawk at how clear and youthful my skin looks. They often think I have makeup on to help even out my complexion. Not the case! I'm still trying to graduate to wearing makeup everyday. I truly believe the key to youth is PRIMARILY good DNA and SECONDLY moisture. The tried and true best way to obtain moisture is to drink water. Besides getting your daily dose of water there are a plethora of products on the market that promise to quench your skin's thirst.

The number ONE moisture retainer:

Yes i said it. Good old Vaseline. The road map to the fountain of youth. The best way to use is fresh out of the shower and just after you use your daily body lotion. I usually do an application before bed that way I can skip the slippery feeling it gives you. It can definitely rival that $20 jar of body butter you got suckered into buying and is sitting under your bathroom sink waiting to get rotated into your beauty regimen.

So run and get your jar and slather it up!


I was having an interesting conversation with an associate and she was telling me how she still communicates and occasionally visits an old flame from high school. He has been in prison for about 6 years and she continues to emotionally support him. She says she feels she owes it to him and that he needs her support. So when is enough, enough? Think of a friend (non-relative) you care deeply for and imagine they made a decision that let to them being incarcerated for an extended period of time. What would you do?

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Let me just start off by saying how much I love Kimora! So I'm sitting here watching her reality show (yes, I'm watching a reality T.V. show) and she has the personality that commands attention. Obviously she is doing what she is meant to do and wouldn't have it any other way. So let her fab, demanding, bossy yet hilarious self be an inspiration!

Here's pics from her ultra fab Spring 2010 fashion show... that she did live! Kudos for for being a risk taker.

Love the front braid in model's hair.


So I've just started my blog and spent the last few minutes typing and re-typing different greetings. Do I start with a simple hello, hey y'all, greetings out there??? Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. I'm a 27 year old, recently married woman that was born and raised in the South. My home, my love, my birthplace is New Orleans, LA a city so rich in culture and flavor it makes my current city (Dallas, Tx) seem surreal. I've been in Dallas for about four years now and it still has not grown on me.

I work for a wonderful company but honestly I hate what I do. I simply am not doing what I'm passionate about. I've prayed and prayed for the Lord to show me the way He wants me to go and I'm at a loss. I've decided to start this blog as a way for me to find just what brings me joy. Is it baking, business management, fashion, engineering, home decor? I invite you all on this journey with me as I explore different topics in search of my true calling in life. What gets me going, what makes my blood boil. I long to experience the happiness I read about in magazines like O and Essence, where people are truly excited about going to work every morning.
Blogging is a totally new word for me and anyone who knows me knows I excelled at math and science not reading and writing. So bear with me through the incorrect grammer, I's tryin'. I hope you enjoy the variety of topics. I encourage feed back as I'm sure most of my ideas will come from you all. I forget where this quote came from but it goes like this: Steal shamelessly and share freely. We learn from each other, it's how we grow.
With Love,